Ray’s Rants back to the 1960s 1970s 1950s in the UK Great Britain. Entertaining and fun. British music scene, Jimi Hendrix The Rolling Stones. The English pubs and clubs, Watney’s Red Barrel beer, Babycham, Cherry B the night life. The cars, the workplace, television and pirate radio. England. Schools back in the early days. 60s fashion and clothes, flairs and miniskirts. London, Caroline, Luxembourg. Mini cars skirts. Holiday in caravan, Butlin’s
My running commentary on my Isle of Wight trip went down very well. To my surprise, listeners loved it. While Ray's Roaming Rants episodes won't be as regular as the weekly Midweek Messages, I plan to take my portable recorder whenever I visit interesting places. So, look out for Ray's Roaming Rants! Also, take a look at my website here www.raysrants.info